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What do you call the part of air conditioners that is put outside

Air conditioners cool your home to comfortable levels. In winter, you set the Air conditioner too low and use it to reduce the humidity. The system replaces the hot air in winter with cool air in summer. This air is blown over chiller pipes by a blowing fan of the Air Conditioner. Inside these pipes is a coolant fluid that flows inside your home to the AC outdoor unit. The chiller in your AC works the same way as in a refrigerator. When the air blows over the chiller pipes, the pipes cool the air in your home. Most ACs also have a dehumidifier that removes the excess moisture.

The heat exchange at the chiller pipes causes the coolant to change from liquid to gas in summer.

The chiller pipes in the USA in Russellville, and the coolant, now warmer than it was, flow to another section in summer. This part works as a heater in winter.

The coolant flows into the outdoor unit and heats through the outdoor unit. The coolant needs to have more heat than the outdoor air. Heat will move from hot to cold. From there, it goes into cooled further. After cooling, the coolant goes to the indoor AC unit and is ready to cycle again. Read on to learn about the different mechanisms that make this cycle possible in Arkansas, USA.

Refrigerant or Coolant:

It is a fluid cycle from the indoor to the outdoor AC unit long as the AC is on. The fluid transports heat from your indoor space to the outdoors of your home. It travels in closed chiller pipes. It is ideal for use to change from liquid to gas fast.

When an indoor unit is cycling, it absorbs heat from the indoor air while inside its cooling tubes from the outdoors. These tubes connect the inside and outside of the AC unit. It absorbs the heat that flows and releases that heat from outside.

As the fluid absorbs heat from the indoor space, it changes from a gas to a liquid state. After releasing heat into your outdoor space, it converts into gas and flows back inside to absorb more heat in the AC unit. This cycle until your home to the desired temperature.


The best compressor in Russellville is responsible for heating the refrigerant after it has absorbed heat from the indoor AC. Inside the compressor, the refrigerant increases its temperature. When the pressure increases, temperature also increases.

So, buying of Arkansas compressor squeezes the liquid to increase the temperature of your house. The increase in temperature facilitates the release of temperature into the outside air.

Heat moves from where it is high to where it is low, from hot to cold areas. For the refrigerant to release heat into the outdoor air, it needs to be hot.

Condenser Coil:

In Russellville, the condenser coil is the outdoor AC unit. The refrigerant releases heat from your indoor space with its unit. The air outside your home refrigerant is hotter. So, heat naturally flows from the hot coils to the cool.

This outdoor unit AC needs regular cleaning to run optimally. It gathers dust and dirt more than others. At Russellville, Arkansas, Heating and Air Conditioning can help you keep it maintained. Call and schedule routine maintenance today.

Expansion Value:

The refrigerant gets an expansion into a liquid state. The fluid has lost most of the heat at the condenser coil. It is still hot enough to raise the temperature. The temperature has to go down in your room.

The refrigerant lowers its temperature with the expansion value depressurized. It does the opposite of the compressor of AC. When compressing increases temperature, it decompresses to a lower temperature. After this, the refrigerant turns from liquid to gas.

Evaporator Coil:

Evaporator coils are the indoor unit of AC. The refrigerant absorbs heat from you indoors inside these coils.

In Russellville, the best copper tubes in the coils receive the cold refrigerant from the expansion valve. Your indoor blower fan blows the hot indoor air. And the copper tubes over it. When this happens, the refrigerant absorbs the heat from your indoor air and cold air from the living space of your house.

Just before the sucked air gets to the evaporator coil, it passes through a filter that traps particles. Yours is cleaner for your comfort. Most air purifiers in Russellville install in central AC just before the evaporator coil.

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